Monday, August 13, 2007

a walk and some thoughts about where we're headed - literally and figuratively (long title, huh?)

went for a walk today. it was so nice out (compared to last week!) not over 100 degrees equals "nice." thanks to a new route we ran last week - i took the kids to this red barn that is less than a mile from our house! it was fun...and hot by the end.

well, literally, we're headed to Kentucky tomorrow. I have a DEAR friend, Kelly, that i met when i was pregnant with Joshua. she was one of those friends that once i met her, i didn't know how i lived without her in my life. she was a few "steps" ahead of me and God has always blessed me with people like that in my life - to watch and learn from. she poured love and life into me - and i truly believe that i'm a better mother (definitely a better painter!) because of her. anyways, she has 5 beautiful children - the youngest is joshua's age. and she moved to kentucky 2 years ago. another friend and i are driving in 1 minivan with her 2 kid and my 3 kids to visit her. it's a 12 hour drive. we are leaving at 6 am tomorrow. i'm halfway packed and very excited about the time i'm going to get to spend with these 2 special women! we come home saturday.

now, figuratively, pat and i have been evaluating some things lately. we've come to the conclusion that this summer has been too much. we haven't had enough "normalcy" - and we can see the effects in our kids. they are disobedient. they are tired. i am frustrated. it's a good lesson. yes, there are fun things to do. but not at the expense of good habits and TRUE quality time like talking in bed before they go to sleep and reading books in the afternoon - these are the things that get pushed away and it's fine every now and then - but not for weeks on end. so, it's been a FUN! summer, but we're ready for fall and routine and more time with our kids just BEING.

1 comment:

Katy said...

I can't wait to hear about your trip when you get home - I pray that the drive goes incredible well and kids do wonderfully! I KNOW you will have a great time visiting with Kelly!!!