Thursday, May 31, 2007

vacation mode

so, i'm headed to Fresno, CA tomorrow morning for the weekend to go to my cousin's wedding. just me. Pat's staying here with the kids. They are excited to do "fun" things with daddy (he's way more fun than boring mom!). I'm excited to see my extended family! and my parents and brother and sister are already there - so i feel like the vacation has begun! I've grocery shopped for my family, cleaned the house (what use that is? i don't know, but it makes me feel better.) today i'll do laundry, pack (for myself - a breeze compared to packing for 5!), make a couple meals and be all set! it'll be lonely traveling by myself...but i have a bag of books packed so i think i'll be fine ;-)

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Have a great time!!

And I appreciate the Charles Swindoll quote....a good reminder of what God really asks of our faith.