Tuesday, April 3, 2007

4:30 am alarm

ok. i really don't handle little sleep very well. so i'm struggling today.

i wake up at 4:30 am and hear one of the smoke detectors beeping every 15 seconds or so. which means the batteries are low and it's not going to stop. this happened a week after we moved in and i wasn't prepared with the right batteries that time. so, i learned and bought extra. i woke pat up, he went and got the chair to reach the smoke detector, i went and got the batteries. he climbs up there, take it off the ceiling and the entire house erupts in the full-blown alarm system BLARING. AHHHH!! and this smoke detector needs a different type of batteries than the other one - ones i don't have. he somehow manages to get it turned off by pushing all the buttons on the panel. (we don't have the alarm system even "hooked up" - or so we thought.) so, we get it turned off and get the kids calmed down and everyone climbs into bed. about 2 minutes later, a fire truck pulls up outside of our house, lights flashing and everything (the sirens weren't blaring - thankfully.) so, we all pop up out of bed and greet them and tell them what happened. i would have taken a picture...seriously, i had the camera in my hand, but i thought they might really flip out seeing a flash go off. so i didn't. anyways, we all laid back bed, but i'm not sure anyone actually went back to sleep. i certainly didn't. i was VERY awake for my 5:45 am run. i'm ready for a nap...

1 comment:

Heather said...

That is too funny! Not the 4:30 am part- but I can imagine the
commotion at your house. Hopefully you will have a restful sleep tonight.